I am often asked how and why I started baking bread. After all, all major grocery stores have large bakery sections that offer their own breads as well as items from local and regional bakeries. So, why would I spend the time to bake my own?
Quite simply, regardless of my excitement when bringing home a fresh sourdough from the grocery, my family oftentimes didn’t share my enthusiasm. In fact, we often let the loaves go stale. However, when I made an attempt to bake fresh loaves, no matter how tasteless or ugly the outcome, they were so anxious they often would not allow the loaf to cool before diving in. It is my passion to provide for them and find no greater joy than when I am in the company of our friends and family in Arizona. The simple task of baking created tremendous excitement and engagement. I realized that I had found a method to routinely bring us together.
After some reflection, I realized that I had stumbled upon a secret known by bakers throughout time. Four basic ingredients, flour, water, salt and yeast when combined and put to heat make a staple food of life. Spices, cheese and herbs in varying quantities and combinations create endless varieties. When baking the aroma attracts everyone to the kitchen, the heart of our home. When cooling, we anxiously wait to cut the loaf, all the while sharing our lives with one another.
Bread is the staple food. It sustains us. Baking creates the reason to gather together and the kitchen gives us the place to share. If you would like to chat about baking techniques, exchange recipes, or need starter, message or email me here.